To view our SEND Information Report and SEND Policy please go to our Policies page by clicking here.

St Christopher’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Team


Mrs. T. Evans is the appointed school SENDCo (Special Educational Needs/Disabilities co-ordinator) at St. Christopher’s Catholic Primary School.  Mrs. Evans works closely with the School Leadership Team, class teachers and school staff in meeting the needs of SEND pupils within school.

Mrs. Evans can be contacted via the school office on:

01902 297820

Or by e-mail at:

[email protected]


Inclusion Lead

Miss R. Lister works closely with the SENDCo and teaching staff to ensure that all pupils are supported in their learning so that they can fulfil their potential and make progress.

Miss Lister can be contacted via the school office on:

01902 297820

Or by e-mail at:

[email protected]


Adaptive teaching and Special Educational Needs (SEN)

SEND provision is delivered throughout school using adaptive teaching. This is a combination of high quality first teaching; scaffolded lessons; reasonable adjustments; use of classroom support staff; interventions and a Graduated Response, including cycles of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’; and IEP’s (Individual Education Plans).

Adaptive teaching strategies are used in all subjects to ensure that all pupils can access learning and remain in the classroom as much as possible. Lessons are carefully planned and scaffolded to ensure that all pupils will be able to achieve the shared learning objective at their own level. Children with the greatest need, for example those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), will be given more in lesson support. This will include: more quality teaching and learning time with the class teacher; activities being broken down into smaller, more manageable steps; a higher level of personalised scaffolding in activities. It is our goal for all learners to be able to achieve the learning objective successfully in every lesson. Through adaptive teaching we aim to foster independence, resilience and self-confidence for every child.

The differing needs of SEND pupils are supported via Monitoring, SEND Support or Education, Health and Care Plans.  Please refer to our School’s Information Report for further information.

St. Christopher’s is also part of the South Staffordshire SEND Transformation Prototype, and forms part of the Codsall hub.  Further information can be found at:

Parent Information

Staffordshire Local Offer

SEND Code of Practice (January 2015)

Staffordshire SEND IASS

Wolverhampton IASS